Windstorm Services in Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau and Suffolk County

The power of nature and extreme wind velocity can inflict severe damage to your property. Trees may fall, roofs can collapse, glass can shatter leaving you and your home partially or completely exposed to outside elements. Exterior damage may result in interior water damage. You may need emergency services to restore temporary electricity or you and your family may need to be relocated. Dart Windstorm restoration services has got you covered!
Here’s what you can expect from Dart Windstorm services
We’ll first assess the damage and cover up holes that may cause further damage to your home. Depending on the severity of the damage, we’ll provide you with emergency services best suited to your needs. If there is any moisture we’ll dry out the area and items that are wet. We’ll repair/rebuild any part of your home that has been damaged—the walls, roof, shingles, siding, doors and windows and anything else—restoring it to its pre-damaged condition.
Windstorm restoration services can be complicated or large scale. With Dart you’ll get the full force of our A-team to restore your property to an even better condition than it was before. Our team includes electricians, plumbers, general construction, rip out and removal, sheet rockers, painters, framers, engineers, surveyors, architects, finishers, insulation specialists.
Our customer service is open 24/7/365.